Profile picture of speaker named Ragnhild "Bridget" Sageng

Ragnhild "Bridget" Sageng

Senior Security Advisor

Ragnhild “Bridget” Sageng has several years of experience in the IT (Information Technology) industry, working with IT support, network, and managing IT projects before transcending into a career within pentesting and further into cyber security culture. She considers her IT experience as a strength that aids her in seeing correlations between systems and the people using it. Prior to her IT career, “Bridget” educated herself within the field of human psychology and healthcare due to her interest in understanding the human mind.

Due to her interest in both the human mind and IT security, "Bridget” specializes in social engineering and Open-source investigation (OSINT). In 2020, she won an international social engineering CTF hosted by Temple University. In 2021, "Bridget” became a Certified Social Engineering Pentest Professional (SEPP) and has since dedicated her focus towards social engineering pentesting. Her hands-on experience with social engineering pentesting has prompted her to further research the topics of ethically handling people affected by the tests. She has spoken about this topic on conferences such as Black Hat Europe and at the Social engineering community village at DEF CON, hoping to enlighten people and create a discussion on the topic within the industry.

Talks and workshops