Call For Papers

Deadline - 15 September 2024

Format and duration

  • Regular talks: 60 minutes
  • Lightning talks: 10 minutes
  • Workshops: 60-120 minutes (1 or 2 talk slots)
  • Pre-Conference Workshops: 2- days

Here are some suggestions for topics:

  • Cloud security (containers, Kubernetes, serverless etc.) - AWS, GCP, CloudFlare, Azure etc.
  • SDLC
  • DevSecOps / CI/CD
  • Incidents - We-got-hacked-and-this-is-what-happened
  • Forensics
  • Reviewing code for security
  • Crypto and quantum crypto
  • Security tooling
  • Pen testing (tools and techniques)
  • Application security
  • Mobile application security
  • Device application security
  • Bug bounties (either as a hunter or as a company)
  • Supply chain security - components / IDE plugins etc.
  • Machine learning and AI for security purposes
  • Red teaming/TIBER
  • And everything else related to security​...

We encourage you to submit your top presentation on the topics you are most passionate about and not your entire portfolio. Try to limit your submissions to 3-4. If you have previous speaking experience, please include links to videos, online presentations/slides or blog posts.

This call for papers ends 15 September 2024 @ 23:59 (GMT+2)

Do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.