
Room 3 

10:20 - 11:20 


Talk (60 min)

The big gap: Mobile Forensics

Mobile forensics plays a crucial role in investigating cybercrime within organizations. As more and more employees use their personal mobile devices for work-related tasks, it's increasingly important for organizations to be able to access and analyse data from those devices in the event of a cyber incident.

Mobile Application Security

But where are we on that? Are organisations prepared to jump over the fence and start collecting mobile forensic data?

Lorena Carthy-Wilmot

Pronouns she/her. Senior Advisor for the Digital Police Work (DPAF) at the Police in Norway. Previously, I was the Head for the Forensic Technology Services Lab at PwC in Oslo.

Forensics is my absolute passion. I research mostly within mobile forensics and browser forensics, but I’m always up for taking on new challenges.

My talk is based on personal research on my very little spare time.